Hotspot News is a mobile application designed to simplify how users consume news by aggregating content from various trusted platforms into one convenient hub. The app curates the news, offering features like AI-generated summaries, keyword searches, and customizable filters to help users quickly access and understand the information that matters most. Its goal is to address the overwhelming nature of modern news consumption by presenting concise, relevant, and personalized content.

Goal as a UX Designer
As the UX designer, my primary goal was to create a streamlined, user-friendly experience for accessing and interacting with aggregated news. I aimed to reduce cognitive load, improve user satisfaction, and drive app engagement by focusing on features like efficient search, personalisation options, and AI-driven summaries. Additionally, the goal was to make the app intuitive for a diverse audience while supporting the business objectives of retention and user growth.

My Role
UX Designer

1 month

The Strategy
Strategy Board for Hotspot News Mobile App

Splash, Onboarding and Home Screen

Sports News Screens

Article and Subscription screen

Live Stream Screens

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